About this Story....

Welcome to "Caterpillars to Butterflies." This is a narrative of our faith journey and the incredible transformation God performed in our lives from 2007 to 2009. It is a story of God's unwavering faithfulness and what happens when we choose to trust Him, regardless of how circumstances appear. Through hardships, struggles, loss, and confusion, God revealed Himself to my husband, Tom, and me. We learned invaluable lessons about letting go of our own logic and understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6), surrendering our personal goals, and embracing His eternal purpose for our lives. Ultimately, this journey revealed His redeeming and transforming love for us. We hope our story inspires you to nurture your own faith and deepen your relationship with Him, trusting in His faithfulness no matter what challenges you face. May our journey from caterpillars to butterflies encourage you on your path.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Concerns, Convictions, and Trusting God’s Leading

After sharing my dreams with BK, she responded with serious concerns about where we are and what we are doing.

Her words carried deep emotion—even fear.

BK’s Response & Concerns

"I want you to know that J and I love you and Tom. But honestly, I am very frightened for you."

She acknowledged that fear isn’t from the Lord, but she still felt the dreams were a warning—a call for us to get back on track.

She pointed out key symbols from the dreams:

🔸 Using the left hand (which isn’t “right”)
🔸 Something wrong with my form
🔸 Things not happening as expected
🔸 Trying to salvage things in the kitchen
🔸 Earth movers and bulldozers leveling everything
🔸 Losing peace afterward
🔸 Right ear popping open after prayer, finally hearing clearly

Her prayerful plea was that it’s not too late for us to hear rightly from the Lord.

Seeking Clarity in Prayer

She misinterpreted some details in the dreams, but her sincerity and concern were real.

After reading her email together, Tom and I prayed again, asking the Lord:

"Is there anything here that we need to hear? To consider?"

She also mentioned that not paying our bills is wrong and that she doesn’t believe God “strips” us of anything.

But I wrestled with this...

Doesn’t God do whatever He needs to in order to shift our focus back to Him?

Maybe her focus is off, or maybe there’s something deeper that the Lord is trying to say through her.

Regardless, we decided to invite them for dinner and tell them the whole story from the beginning.

My prayer is that she will see—this isn’t about a disobedient, rebellious spirit.

This is God leading us.

2022 - insert from Linda;

E is still pregnant with our third grandbaby, M!

🔹 Our oldest is W
🔹 Our second is A
🔹 And now, waiting for M!


Still no baby yet! E went to the doctor yesterday—she’s only barely 1 cm dilated.

At this rate, she may have M on W’s birthday!

Conversations with Tom’s Family

Tom called his mom yesterday for his dad’s birthday.

In conversation, he mentioned that I’m working part-time from home now.

Naturally, she was surprised—and started asking questions.

Since I was in the kitchen, Tom deferred and told her to ask me about it.

I’ve been feeling convicted about not telling his family what we’re doing.

Tom and I talked and prayed for wisdom—when and how to share.

We’ve been waiting—hoping that God would do something first—so we could share the whole story with good news attached.

But it’s becoming clear...

It may not happen how we expect. Or when we expect.

We even feel like we should fly out there to tell them in person.

But for now—that’s in God’s hands.

Lord, help us keep our eyes on You, not our circumstances.

Today’s Hope Journal: Revelation 1-4

Reading about Jesus’ words to the seven churches, something stood out:

🔹 He describes Himself differently to each church.

1️⃣ "Him who holds the seven stars in His right hand and walks among the lampstands."
2️⃣ "The First and the Last, who died and came to life again."
3️⃣ "The One with the sharp, double-edged sword."
4️⃣ "The Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire, feet like burnished bronze."
5️⃣ "Him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars."
6️⃣ "The One who is holy and true, who holds the key of David."
7️⃣ "The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation."

It’s like He was revealing different aspects of Himself to each church.

And I love this thought—

He could have gone on and on... but He ran out of churches! Lol!

Yes, Lord!

🔹 You are The First and the Last.
🔹 You died and came to life again.
🔹 Your eyes blaze like fire, and Your feet are like bronze.
🔹 You are holy and true.
🔹 You are faithful and the ruler of all creation.
🔹 You are the Alpha and the Omega.
🔹 You are the Son of God, who holds the key of David.


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