Waiting, Trusting, and Listening to God's Voice
Still no baby.
Father, I pray that Your hand will be on E. Hold her and comfort her during this waiting time. I pray that she gets the rest she needs so she can birth this child with no complications. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
A Conversation with CT – Concern & Isolation
CT called yesterday to wish me a Happy New Year and check in. I shared about our dinner with J and B and the dreams I have been having. She said that several people are at a loss for what to do with us. They love us and are concerned.
When I told her about the dream with the rope, she thought that maybe the rope represents what God is doing in our lives—since only I could see it. As for her part in the dream, she said one of her biggest concerns is how this financial situation will affect our ministry. She fears the enemy will use this to snuff it out, and that’s why she was so angry in the dream.
It was good to talk with her again. I haven’t had a chance to really talk with someone in a while. Maybe that’s why I have been feeling so isolated and withdrawn lately.
1 Kings 13 – Will We Listen to Men or God?
Thinking about our upcoming meeting with the pastor and his wife, the Lord brought 1 Kings 13 to mind. I do respect them and know that God uses them, but I also anticipate they will encourage us to listen to them as Pastors with authority over us, rather than listening to what we feel God has told us.
That’s when I thought of this story. A Prophet from Judah was given a direct command from the Lord— Do not eat or drink there. Do not return home the way you came. But another Prophet heard about this, rode after him, and invited him to his home. The first Prophet refused, saying, "The Word of the Lord instructed me not to eat or drink here." But the second Prophet replied, "I too am a prophet, and an angel told me by the word of the Lord to bring you back to eat and drink." (But he was lying to him.) The first Prophet listened to the man instead of God— and it did not end well for him! This story makes me wonder... Sometimes God tests us to see if we will remain faithful to His voice—even when others, even spiritual leaders, tell us something different. Will we listen to men? Or will we listen to God?
Standing Firm in Faith – Hebrews 10:35-38
I keep coming back to the scripture He gave us:
“So do not throw away your confidence;
it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere so that
when you have done the will of God,
you will receive what He has promised.
For in just a little while,
‘He who is coming will come and will not delay.’
But my righteous one will live by faith.
And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.”
“But we are NOT of those who shrink back and are destroyed,
but of those who believe and are saved.”
A Prayer for Clarity & Conviction
Lord, we desire to follow You with our whole hearts. We know that NOTHING is impossible for You. If we are missing something, please make it clear. If we are off track, please correct us. If we are in error—whether due to pride, deception, or misunderstanding—please, Lord, Knock us upside the head! Speak loudly to our deaf ears! Make us hear You clearly! We want to follow You alone, no matter what it costs. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
2022 Reflection – A Personal Revelation
At some point in this journey, I kept praying and asking God:
"Did I miss something?"
"Did I hear You wrong?"
Then one day, He spoke so clearly to my heart:
"Linda, I knit you together in your mother’s womb.
I know every hair on your head. And I KNOW how to speak to you
so that you will hear Me!"
That revelation has given me SO much peace over the years. He knows me so well— He knows exactly how to speak to me so that I will hear Him. Since then, I haven’t worried about that as much... (LOL—but still working on it!).
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