I was able to do Yoga today! Yay! It felt good but I strained my neck muscle so I am in a little bit of pain… I iced it down right away and took ibuprofen so hopefully it will relax soon. Part of the problem of not working out is that I don’t get my stress release so I am carrying all the stress in my neck and shoulders still. I also self adjust when I work out so since I haven’t been able to, I am all out of whack! I may need to call the chiropractor and make an appointment.
I took my Bible on CD with me this morning and listened to it on the way in to work. I am starting over so it is good to go through Genesis again. The Hope Journal was in Revelation 2 but nothing stuck out to me today but here is something from the daily bread that was encouraging.
Daily Bread:
A growing number of people find that wearing a pedometer helps them increase their level of daily exercise. The step-counting device is both a recorder and a motivator for them. Knowing how many steps they take encourages them to walk more.
One woman, whose goal was to take 10,000 steps a day, began parking farther away from her workplace and doing more active tasks around the office. Her awareness of the pedometer helped produce a lifestyle change.
Observable reminders have a place in our walk with Christ as well. When God instructed the Israelites to keep His commands in their hearts, He also told them to make visible reminders of the Word: “You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates” (Deut. 6:8-9). The purpose was not physical decoration but spiritual deliverance: “Beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage” (v.12).
Words of Scripture on a plaque, a memory card, or a calendar can turn our focus toward the Lord throughout the day. These visible reminders of Christ and His Word will encourage our steps of obedience to Him. —David McCasland
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