Today’s Power Minute: Not Without a Struggle
"But Ruth replied, 'Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me.’” — Ruth 1:16-17
There are moments in life when we must bite the bullet, draw a line in the sand, and stand firm—even when we don’t fully understand what lies ahead. We reach a place where we can no longer tolerate the status quo, yet we’re unsure what the next step should be or if we should even take one at all.
It’s at this crossroads where we must decide: Will we stay where it’s safe, or will we move forward in faith? We may not know what’s beyond the horizon, but we cannot remain in the shadows of the sunset.
Struggles are a necessary part of transformation. A caterpillar must endure the fight to break free from its cocoon before it can become a butterfly. What struggles are you facing that seem impossible to endure? Look at Ruth—she lost everything, yet she knew she couldn’t turn back. She had to move forward with God, trusting Him to redeem her situation.
"You turned my mourning into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy." — Psalm 30:11
Trust in His power and don’t fear the struggle. The night may bring tears, but joy is coming in the morning.
Keep looking up!
— Pastor KT
My Reflection
As I read this, I clearly felt God speaking to me about leaving my job. Phrases like “biting the bullet,” “you find yourself incapable of tolerating the status quo,” and “don’t fear the struggle” hit me hard. It felt like confirmation of what I’ve already been sensing in my spirit. Oh Lord, You know how much I want to leave!
I was also doing a Bible study with Pastor KT (the author of Power Minute), and one of the questions we had to answer was: “What is God asking you to prepare for?”
While praying about it on my morning walk, I felt God say: “Prepare to depart.” Immediately, I knew He meant my job. So, I’ve been getting things in order at work, preparing to hand things over for when God says, “Go.”
At lunch today, I shared my heart with a friend—how I feel called to full-time ministry but struggle with fears about finances and losing our benefits.
God's Provision—A Surprise Check!
Later, Tom called with an unexpected blessing. We received a check from Bank of America for $2,460.00—hand-addressed to us, with “overpayment” written in the memo section, but no other explanation.
Bank of America financed my car, so we assume they sold it at auction, paid off what was owed, and this was the leftover amount. Who has ever heard of a bank sending money back after repossessing a car?! Wait, what!??
And here’s the crazy part—Tom’s next car payment (after SK paid part of it) was due on November 1st. The exact amount owed? $2,298.00! That left us with just over $100 to cover the maintenance his car needed.
Only God! 🙌
A Night at the Concert (That Didn’t End Well)
That night, BY surprised Tom and me with tickets to the Sonic Flood concert. When we arrived, he pulled us aside for a special task—praying over the band before they performed. It was such a cool experience!
But honestly, the rest of the evening went downhill fast. I was exhausted, grumpy, and majorly PMSing (I swear I spend more time PMSing than not lately!).
I let Tom get under my skin, and instead of enjoying the concert, I was just irritated. By the time we got home, I was so annoyed with myself that I went straight to bed. Poor Tom. 😬
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